Run time: 2024-09-21 01:05:39

Settlement for Power Purchase Agreements

Powersoft is a SaaS platform providing power generation operators and off-takers with tools to manage projects and perform the PPA settlement process. An increasing number of power generators are responisble for computing invoices for their power deliveries. Powersoft is designed for use by generators that need to produce and/or check invoices for one or multiple projects. The site currently computes settlements for complex California ReMAT/RAM contracts and for an additional six (6) types of contracts used with utilities and ISOs accross the United States. If the current contract logic doesn't solve a contract, new logic is easily added due to our modular design. After uploading meter data users can perform settlement computations and produce pdf billing statements of deliveries and invoice amounts.

click here view a sample ReMAT invoice

Contact Us

By Email: markhenwood @

By Phone: (916) 422-2600